Staff Request Forms:
To request translations, please complete this form.
To request interpreters, please complete this form
Review the flowchart below that outlines our process for both types of requests.

Interpreters and Translations
ABRSD is committed to ensuring families have meaningful access to their children’s education by providing interpretation (oral) and translation (written) services. Each of our classroom teachers has access to which of their families require interpretation or translation and is responsible for requesting it through our Department for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Parents/Guardians: If you require translation or interpretation services and are not currently receiving them, please contact the main office of your child/children(s) school(s) so they can update PowerSchool to reflect this need. Parents of multilingual learners
Quick Links (Staff Member Access Only)
How to Check PowerSchool for Translation/Interpreter
Tips for Working with an Interpreter
Lexikeet Quick Customer Training Video
Questions? Contact Debbie Sye at 978-264-3313 ext.11210