District Strategy and District/School Improvement Plans


Acton-Boxborough Regional School District

AB Compass 
District Strategy 2021-26
(Click Here to Read the Full Introduction)
Mission, Vision, Values and Beliefs


Our mission is to provide high-quality educational opportunities that inspire a community of learners


Our vision is to develop engaged, well-balanced learners through collaborative, caring relationships

Core Values

  • Engagement: We provide engaging educational opportunities where students develop passion and joy for learning.
  • Equity:  We ensure all students have equitable access to programs and curricula to reach their potential.
  • Wellness:  We partner with families to prioritize social-emotional wellness, which is necessary for learning and developing resilience.


  • Every student has the right to be loved, valued, challenged, and supported by the adults across our school community.
  •  Learning must be meaningful and engaging for every student.
  •  Each educator is responsible for every student’s learning and social-emotional well-being, and every ABRSD employee contributes to supporting the social, emotional, and intellectual growth of all students every day.
  •  By building relationships and trust with students, families, and colleagues, it is safe to make mistakes and learn from others.
  •  Student characteristics that include race, socio-economic status, disability, ethnicity, or any other part of their identity should not be an indicator of access or outcomes; and the language we use to talk about students and families shapes the culture of our schools and district.



Strategy at a Glance

Strategic Objective Strategic Initiative

Engaged Learning

Improve cognitive, behavioral and emotional engagement in learning by increasing the variety and relevance of learning experiences.

1.1  Involve school and community stakeholders to develop a unified vision of the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to prepare students for life after high school.
1.2  Implement instructional programs, courses, and curricula aligned with the District’s PK-12 unified vision in order to increase and expand the variety and relevance of learning experiences.
1.3  Implement instructional, assessment, grading, and course leveling practices aligned with the District’s unified vision in order to promote increased cognitive, behavioral, and emotional engagement for students.
1.4  Identify and utilize best practices, including digital tools, from remote learning to improve student engagement.
1.5  Expand learning opportunities for all students in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

Inclusive Practices

Ensure that all students, staff, and families feel welcomed and included by strengthening school culture and climate and intentionally implementing culturally-responsive instructional practices and materials.

2.1  Strengthen school culture and climate by strengthening relationships between and among students and adults within the schools, with an emphasis on students from historically underrepresented groups.
2.2  Ensure that all staff engage in ongoing professional learning to implement culturally responsive and inclusive practices.
2.3  Ensure that educators in all schools and classrooms employ curricula, instructional practices and materials are responsive to the diversity of our students and families.
2.4  Expand the diversity of our leadership and educator workforce to better reflect the students we serve.
2.5  Engage stakeholders to better understand how students and families from underrepresented groups experience our schools and District and to help provide guidance for improving inclusive practices.

Equitable Opportunities and Outcomes

Ensure that every student has access to equitable opportunities and outcomes, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, race, disability, gender identity or other differentiating characteristics.

3.1  Develop and implement an aligned, districtwide PK-12 multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) for students in literacy, mathematics, social-emotional and behavioral learning.
3.2  Ensure effective evidence-based screening, instruction, and assessment in literacy, mathematics, social-emotional and behavioral learning in all general education classrooms PK-12.
3.3  Ensure equitable access to early education by implementing tuition-free all day kindergarten.
3.4  Identify and implement practices that result in more equitable representation of students in advanced coursework.
3.5  Revise disciplinary processes to employ restorative justice (responsive classroom) and ensure all students, including students from various subgroups, are treated fairly and equitably.

Social-emotional Learning (SEL)

Improve social-emotional development through an aligned continuum of skills, instruction, and support for students PK-12.

4.1  Identify and communicate core social-emotional competencies that students will develop from Pre-K-12 as part of the district unified vision of the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to prepare students for life after high school. (1.1) 
4.2  Embed and integrate instruction across general education classrooms PK-12 that is aligned with the core SEL competencies and which allows teachers to more proactively address social, emotional, and behavioral needs at the universal level. 
4.3 Create and implement a unified vision of social, emotional and behavioral services and programming at the district level that includes a continuum of services to follow across grades and levels.


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