When should I keep my child home from school?
As a reminder students must stay home when experiencing:
●A fever of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or more.
●Vomiting or diarrhea.
●Eye(s) that are red,itchy and/or are draining yellowish fluid.
●Cough that is frequent and disruptive to the child’s learning.
●A medical provider suspects a communicable illness ( strep throat, conjunctivitis or pink eye, covid, influenza or the flu, etc) and you are awaiting the test results.
●New /undiagnosed rashes.
Students may return to school when:
●Fever has been within normal limits for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen (Tylenol/Motrin/Advil for example).
●Vomiting and diarrhea has been resolved for 24 hours and the student feels better and has resumed a normal diet.
●Students prescribed antibiotics for a bacterial infection may return to school after taking their prescribed medication for at least 24 hours, have been fever free for 24 hours and feel well enough to be in school.
●Cough has improved and is tolerated by the student.
Please refer to the Massachusetts Guidance regarding respiratory illnesses which can be found here.